Treatment Methods
2-5 methods are typically used each treatment.
Methods are chosen depending on the patient's constitution in coordination with how they're presenting that day,
as well as the patient's informed preference.
Acupuncture | Herbal Medicine | Jin Shin Jyutsu | Wellness Practices | Moxabustion | Tui Na | Gua Sha
Acupuncture is the insertion of sterile fine stainless steel needles into the skin at specific acupuncture points to create a therapeutic effect. Each acupuncture treatment is tailored to the patient's needs in that moment. I assess which parts of the body are moving well and which parts need help by feeling the intrinsic movement through palpation and feeling the openness of the channel pathways. My acupuncture has been influenced by modern palpation-based practices (Engaging Vitality), Tradition Chinese Medicine, Japanese acupuncture, orthopedic needling, and dry needling.
Oftentimes, needle insertion is painless. When opening up the flow of qi through a channel pathway, it's common to feel a dull achy sensation traveling through the channel pathway. Certain techniques will have more sensation than others, for example orthopedic needling and dry needling. If these techniques are indicated (which is common for skeletal-muscular pain), I will explain why and what to expect. Then you can make an informed decision if that's what you want that day. Your relaxation is most important during treatments.

Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is a central component of East Asian Medicine. Herbs at Open Channels are often prescribed either as an internal herbal formula in the form of a pill or powder taken orally, an external herbal liniment applied topically, or as a foot soak.
Receiving an internal herbal formula includes a thorough intake of symptoms and a skilled assessment of the tongue, pulse and abdomen. Based on these findings a formula is created to fit your needs.

Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle, non-invasive hands on healing art that was rediscovered by Jiro Murai in Japan and brought to the United States by Mary Burmeister in the 1950s.
With relaxation and deep listening, I place my hands on two different acupressure points along a channel pathway to restore harmony and balance. This method can be used for someone sensitive to needles, is great for children, and can be used in collaboration with acupuncture needles. Learn more by visiting

Wellness Practices
Wellness practices are the ways we take care of ourselves throughout our every day. This includes how we move, how we breath, how we attend to tasks, what we eat, how we eat, and how we wind-down from the day. These are our first lines of medicine, as well as our most powerful medicine because they cultivate self-awareness and self-empowerment.
I can work with patients to identify where in their life they will get the most benefit from skillfully integrating wellness practices. Wellness practices can be prescribed in the domains of, yet not limited to, diet therapy, movement exercise, qigong, breath work and sleep hygiene.

Moxabustion is heat therapy. It involves burning moxa, prepared artemisia argyi, at specific locations to create a therapeutic effect. I use moxibustion to warm areas of cold, supplement areas of deficiency, or to move and disperse areas of accumulation. The most common techniques of moxibustion I use are Ontake bamboo moxibustion and direct rice grain moxibustion.

Tui Na Bodywork
Tui Na is a form of traditional Chinese medical massage that is often used together with acupuncture. Although it has many similarities to massage, it is done fully clothed. Tui Na is vibrant and active. The techniques range from joint mobility to soft tissue work. It excels at moving blood, qi and body fluids through the system to reestablish proper circulation and release tight muscles.

Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a method of repeatedly scraping a selected area with a smooth thin object to break apart adhesions that have "glued" layers of tissue together. Gua Sha has a releasing effect where the adhesions are broken apart and come to the surface of the body as purple splotches which typically last 2-5 days. Traditionally, a Chinese soup spoon is used along with light application of an oil. Gua sha is used to treat chronic physical traumas where adhesions have formed over time. It can also be used to treat the common cold due to its opening effect.